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The Blighted Fortress Page 6

  Chapter 18

  What’s in a Name?

  Looking at M Glenda asked, “Is there anything else we can do to give ourselves an edge in surviving?”

  “There is, Glenda. Now bear with me on this, but giving the fire creature a name will help you to confront it. By naming it you demystify it. It becomes more like a person and less an all-conquering demi-god. I suggest we give it a name right now. Permit me to review names that have been used in the distant past for these creatures.

  “The top bad god in Norse mythology was called ‘Surtr’. Surtr is described as the ultimate fire monster. Viking legend says he existed forever. According to Viking legend, Surtr fights in the final battle, called Ragnarök, against the Norse gods led by Odin.

  “Theo assures me that Ragnarök did happen, he was there. It was a confrontation many thousands of years ago in the far north between Theo and the host. After testing the power of the host, Theo was forced to flee.

  “Modern science would explain the legend of Ragnarök as the result of a volcanic eruption in the far north. Combine that eruption with the northern lights and the indigenous ice age people of Scandinavian would naturally view the flashing red sky and trembling earth as a war between gods.

  “The next name choices come from the mythology of the Middle East. These names include genie, jinn, demon, and efreet.”

  Traveler became animated as he said, “I’ve read about all of them in Tales of the Arabian Nights. I don’t think we should use the name efreet, the efreet were the fire beings at the top of the supernatural pyramid. Supposedly they stood twelve feet tall and weighed over 2000 pounds and they had powerful magic. I think the efreet could actually have been multiple fire beings who combined themselves for increased power.

  “The individual entities, call them jinn, genie, and demon, were likely solo fire creatures but still with great power. All of these creatures are described as having red eyes so that fits into their being a part of the greater host.”

  M nodded at Traveler’s conjecture. “That is my belief also. Now let’s do our naming. Glenda, what’s your name pick?”

  “I’ll go with jinn, I like how it sounds.

  Traveler nodded in agreement. “I’ll go with jinn also. It has a ring to it.”

  Smiling M declared, “It’s unanimous, my choice is jinn. Now when you see one, hopefully at a distance, you’ll know what to call it besides an unflattering swear word.

  “Now that you are prepared, let’s get the adventure show on the road.”

  Chapter 19

  Time Marches Backward

  Looking at Glenda Traveler gave a sigh, “I think the talking is over and it’s time to ‘saddle up, pardner’.”

  “Back at you, pardner,” Glenda said. Then needing some levity to help calm herself, she said, “M, I accept that you’re going to show us how we can drive backwards in time. Should I wear cool driving gloves for my DeLorian?”

  Traveler chuckled at her joke while inside he was a clenched fist. Mirroring Glenda’s humor he added, “Watch out for our time-travel turbulence, Harry Potter, don’t fall off your broomstick.”

  Watching the two put on their game faces and false bravado, M knew they were feeling scared and gave an added reassurance, “Trust me that deciding to send you both back was a difficult decision. Losing either of you would be devastating. Theo and I searched for millennia to finally find you two. You are both as valuable to Theo as I am. Remember we believe in you.” M watched their bodies relax slightly and thought, That seemed to perk them up, at least for a moment.

  “Well that’s nice to know,” said Traveler trying to joke. “If we go down in flames, we’ll create an inconvenient ripple in time for you and Theo.”

  M shook his head with look that said, “Don’t think that way even when joking.”

  Glenda gave an accepting shrug, and said, “M, it looks like we have our mission laid out so why don’t we get on with this adventure.”

  “I’m ready! Let’s saddle up and head for the Wild West right now.” Suddenly pausing Traveler asked, “Can I go to the bathroom first?”

  M laughed and said, “Of course. It’s recommended and necessary. While your travel time will seem short, you will depart and arrive with a churning stomach filled with butterflies. The bathroom is your friend right now and also when you arrive.”

  Traveled grinned, “M, you sound like my dad before a road trip. Besides calling out ‘mache schnell’ his other order was ‘go to the bathroom, we’re not stopping’.”

  “Your father is clearly a wise, veteran traveler. Now a couple of necessary things while you’re in there. Please shower again. Scrub off the sweet smell of soap, deodorant, and hairspray. Scrub hard. Glenda attack that pile of hair, leave no conditioner hiding in there.

  “Even the rich back then had a very personal aroma about them. Part of your fitting-in will be looking and smelling like the average person. Your clothes, as you may have noticed, already have a faint aroma of a dusty barnyard added.”

  Motioning for them to head to their rooms he added, “When you’re ready I’ll see you both right here. Take your time. Time really does stand still for us in here.”

  Chapter 20

  A Brave Old World

  After a scrubbing in the shower and a visit to the necessary, Traveler studied his traveling wear. He looked like a sad Indiana Jones wearing Goodwill rejects. His brown wool trousers were held up by a rope-like belt. The belt had no buckle and had to be knotted to hold up the pants. His shirt served as a coat and was a loose-fitting, heavy, gray smock.

  Finally, he looked at the footwear, a pair of broken-in old leather hiking boots with thick soles and heavy woolen socks. The boots slipped onto his feet without laces or buckles. The socks resulted in a firm fit to avoid blistering. Standing up, the resulting footwear was a surprisingly comfortable fit. Low on style but quite functional, I like that.

  Looking in his mirror and he said “One average peasant coming out to pick turnips, potatoes, roots, or whatever they ate back then.”

  When he got to the door he had a sudden urge to visit the bathroom again. M is right about stress and what it does to our bodies.

  He made a final inspection of his room and then went out the door. He thumped on Glenda’s door in passing. “Mach schnell, princess.” There was no answer. Probably still showering to lose the perfume, guys can move so much faster.

  When he got to the meeting table, he saw Glenda and M were inspecting a pair of backpacks. I guess guys are not necessarily faster at everything, he thought.

  Glenda looked up and made a snorting sound. “My man is wearing the very finest in wool this morning. He is a definite fashion statement for today’s Dark Age peasant.”

  Traveler sniffed the air. “I smell something but I can’t quite figure it out. Am I back in my high school gym?”

  This time Glenda laughed, “I think we’re both going to know the answer to that odor question too soon. I’ll pretend I don’t notice yours if you ignore mine.” Traveler grinned back.

  “M is walking me through our carry-ons. We’re traveling light. Turns out, what we can take is limited to either living things, like us, or prior living things like sandwiches, fruit, and of course, our clothing. No bazookas for us to neutralize threats. Are you up for this, big boy?”

  “I’m here and I guess I’m ready to go. Honestly, I feel like we’re going to be jumping out of a plane with no parachute.”

  “I like your skydiving analogy,” said M, “it fits this situation. When major challenges are staring you in the face, the best course of action is to just get on with it. During the US Civil War, the Union Admiral David Farragut may have said it best. His fleet was faced with underwater explosive mines. Rather than delay his attack he ordered, ‘Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead’.

  “Now please follow me to our launch pad. You will find that rather than jumping out and plummeting down you will feel more like you’re jumping sideways or maybe like dice being shaken in a
closed container. Think blender.”

  They proceeded to a far corner of the floor that had an elevated circular lip coming up just below their knees. The lip was an opaque, cream-colored material and was shimmering. The floor inside the circle appeared made from the same material and was also shimmering. The scientist in Traveler thought for a moment, What kind of material is that? It’s a solid for sure but seems to have ripples pulsating inside.

  M handed each of them a woolen bracelet. “Please put this bracelet on your wrist. Either wrist works. The bracelet is your time-traveling instrument but looks like a peasant’s arm decoration. Don’t lose it. Time travel will be activated when you press your bracelets together so opposite wrists may be appropriate.”

  Beckoning them forward M instructed, “Trust me this is easy. Just step into the center of that small circle.”

  As they stepped over the elevated lip, they found themselves toe to toe and nose to nose. An embarrassed Traveler said, “Tight fit, M.”

  “Actually, it needs to get a tad tighter; your travel bags are joining you at your feet. Each of you needs to hold the other person tightly. Imagine you are at a prom and slow dancing with hand in hand and arms around each other’s waist. You need a little dancing music and I think ‘Stardust’ may create the appropriate mood.”

  For a brief moment Traveler recalled “Stardust” playing in the bar car while traveling with his mom to Chicago. With the melody in his mind he found himself relaxing with Glenda’s presence and hand on his back. Dancing was suddenly becoming quite acceptable.

  A grinning Glenda said, “I can lead this dance, big boy, in case you don’t know how to slow dance.” Traveler now had creeping red in his cheeks. He looks pretty good wearing embarrassment, Glenda chuckled to herself.

  “Now what?” asked Traveler, ignoring Glenda’s gibe. “How do we know we’re not going to land underground or in the middle of the ocean?”

  “You will land safely. The bracelet is an all-purpose navigation device and is sensitive to placing you in landing areas that are suitable for a living being. Trust the bracelet.”

  Traveler did not look convinced about his navigation bracelet. M gave him a sympathetic smile and said, “President Reagan used an old Russian proverb while negotiating nuclear disarmament talks with the Russians, ‘Trust but verify’. You will shortly find that landing verification is on its way.”

  Shaking his head Traveler persisted in a very quiet voice, “How do we verify we’re even on the same continent as our friendly jinn? We could wander forever in a desert or be wolf food somewhere in Norway.”

  Listening to him, M understood Traveler’s questions were really a way to postpone the scary trip.

  Giving both students a reassuring look he said, “Theo knows approximately where the jinn is from its vibration and will place you close enough. However, even Theo has to move cautiously in your landing placement. If he sets you down too close, then the jinn could possibly detect your entry vibration.

  “The bracelet will place you close enough to the jinn so that you can approach it without alerting it to your presence, but not too close. You will likely have some forest hiking in store. I believe your boots will be up to that task quite nicely. By the way, these boots have self-generating soles and will never wear out.

  “Once you have settled into this time period your own masking abilities will hide your vibration signals from the jinn. The ambush advantage is yours.”

  Glenda moved her head past Traveler’s to look at M. “Will the beast be obvious to see? Is it floating around and visible to everyone?” Traveler was suddenly aware he could barely see M through the auburn red haze.

  “Well, there’s the rub. Theo has not determined how the beast is presenting itself. It will likely not appear in its natural form. We expect it will appear in a form that permits it to be interacting with humans without disclosing its true self. It could be a cat, dog, or a human, young or old.”

  “Assuming we figure out where it’s hiding, any suggestions on how we neutralize it?”

  “That is, of course, the unmarked road for your continued development. Use your combined wits and powers as they fit each situation. You have powers of stealth, strength, leaping, reflex speed, and striking power. Each of these skills is far beyond what the jinn expects from humans. Additionally, your minds are continuing to develop, they are your greatest asset.

  “Remember, though, people will react adversarially toward anything they perceive to be out of the ordinary. At all times you need to appear as normal, young adults.”

  “Final big question, M,” said Traveler. “How do we get back?”

  “As soon as your bracelets determine that the beast’s vibration is silenced you may return by assuming the slow dance position and pressing your bracelets together. Your bracelets will understand the message and return you.

  “Any last thoughts or feelings you wish to express?”

  Traveler found himself thinking, A man’s last words while sitting in the electric chair. Go away, bad thought.

  Glenda said, “I’d be lying if I didn’t say how scared I am. I sure don’t feel like a Valkyrie. This may be a brave, new world we’re going to, but I feel far from brave.”

  “A little honesty on my part,” said Traveler, “my mind is swirling around Lord Tennyson’s poem, ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’. I feel like one of those English horsemen charging the Russian cannon, ‘Half a league onward. Into the valley of death rode the six hundred. Theirs but to do and die.’”

  M smiled, “The ‘Charge’ is an apt poem for this occasion. Let me remind you that the poem ends with many of the six hundred returning from their heroic charge. Use your minds as sabers to cut down that creature. You will return victorious, I am sure of it.”

  Glenda last thought was, There is a poet hiding in big boy, I would never have thought it. Very cool, Traveler.

  Traveler was scrambling to ask something else when he saw that a towering fifteen-foot-tall Theo was beside M. Theo was now in command. With a final question hanging dead on his lips he heard M say, “Now think of a roller coaster in many dimensions. Hang on tight. Trust the bracelets and trust each other.”

  The moment they pressed their bracelets together they were sucked into an open elevator shaft. The random dice of the universe began to bounce them together in their space-time container.

  Chapter 21

  The Time Eagles Have Landed

  They landed like two slices of bread stuck together in a peanut butter sandwich. They were clutching each other so closely they could barely breathe. Both had their eyes squeezed shut and their mouths were grimaces. Glenda’s hair was wrapped around Traveler’s face. Their noses were touching when they opened their eyes and stared at each other.

  Every cell in their bodies felt like a dying, space-time echo. “I have to vomit,” were the first words out of Traveler’s mouth. Glenda nodded in agreement. They each scrambled to find a close by tree for privacy and started the process of adjusting their bodies to the nausea of the Einstein travel.

  When they emerged from behind their trees Glenda had a sheepish look and said, “I’ve never been seasick but I guess this is how it feels.”

  “Personally,” said Traveler, “I feel like Kermit the frog. I must be green, I sure feel green. Just a little detail M failed to prepare us for. I need to sit down and get myself settled.”

  They sat down facing each other in a cross-legged position. Glenda took a deep breath, “Wow, I feel like a squeezed orange.”

  “Think I’m a lemon,” said Traveler. “I can’t decide whether I’m green or yellow. Would you mind if I lie down and take a catnap? I can’t imagine moving right now, much less trying to hike. My emotional gas tank is below empty.”

  “A catnap is exactly what I was thinking. Open your backpack, there’s a blanket in there.”

  Traveler opened his pack found the blanket on top and immediately rolled it into a pillow. He put the pillow under his head, yawned and said, “Na
p well, princess, see you in a while.”

  Glenda had already completed her own pillow-making arrangement and thought, Nice to be called a princess again. It’s good he brought a little normalcy from Chicago to the forest. “Sleep well, big boy, please don’t snore.”

  Neither knew how long they slept, all their bodies knew was that it was a deep, refreshing sleep. “Are you awake?” Glenda asked in a quiet voice.

  “I’m not sure. Are we really in some ancient forest right now or is this a virtual-reality game M is using as part of our training?”

  Glenda sat up to study the surrounding forest. “Sadly, this is no training game. Yeah, we’re in a forest with lots of very big, very old trees. I could imagine Tarzan swinging by to drop in on us; better yet Robin Hood.” To herself she smiled thinking Either Tarzan or Robin joining us would suit this princess fine right now.

  Traveler was now standing and studying an ancient oak tree. The trunk was nearly as wide as the giant sequoia trees in Yosemite National Park. Looking up he said, “I can’t tell if it’s getting dark because the sun is going down or if the canopy of limbs stops the sun’s rays. What do you think?”

  Glenda was also studying the overhead covering. “I think it’s a lot darker than when we arrived. I imagine Theo wanted us to get here with enough daylight so we could calm down after that trip. I don’t know how long we napped but enough to get most of our equilibrium back.”

  Glancing up again, Glenda said, “Right now I think it’s getting dark. We need to decide where we’ll spend the night. Forests at night are not good places to hang out in.”

  “I agree. It’s time to hunker down in a safe place. We need a lot more solid sleep for our bodies and minds to recover. I feel like I’m still running on empty. I suggest we become monkeys and rest up above where we’ll be well out of reach of any floor hunters. I don’t think wolves climb trees, do they Miss Norway?”