The Blighted Fortress Page 2
“We were a fair-sized, prosperous village with a stable supply of food. The women did the farm planting while the men hunted and fished in reed boats. At harvest time all worked side-by-side in the fields including the children.
“As a prosperous village, we were naturally the occasional target for roaming bands of raiders. They came to steal food as well as to capture women and children as slaves. As you can imagine, defending ourselves was an important task.
“My father was appropriately named Jabari, which means a man known for his bravery; he was in charge of the village defenses. As a young man he had been trained in warfare and village protection while in the service of a regional lord. The lord protected many villages and received tribute for his protection.
“After my father had served his time to the lord, he was sent to our village to organize its defenses. He was an important leader to the villagers and an important asset for our collective well-being.
“My father had a tall, powerful, imposing presence. Upon arriving, he met my mother who was the beauty of our village. Her name, Ebony, was appropriate. Ebony means beautiful both inside and outside.
“Love between them happened quickly. They were each a special person and recognized that same quality in the other. Courtship was swift, the village knew these two belonged together. I arrived a short time later. My arrival was a joy to both my parents and to the village.
“My father created a strong defensive system to protect our village. For early warnings we had numerous large horns surrounding the outskirts of the village. The horns were manned by young men who had the strength of lung to make the horns sound across a wide space. Once alerted, our older men returned from their work places and quickly formed into defensive lines.
“Each man in the village began combat training starting around age ten. My father tested each man for his natural fighting talents. He then organized all fighting men into specialty units. There were units whose men carried heavy, long-shafted spears. In combat, these spears were snapped forward and kept opponents at a distance. A direct hit with one of these heavy spears immediately removed the opponent from combat. The spears also stopped horses from charging into our line. The spearmen were the largest and strongest men, but often a bit older and slower.
“Mixed among the spearmen were sword fighters who carried a one-meter long stabbing sword. These swordsmen were usually the youngest, quickest, and most fearless of the warriors.
“They were nimble of hand and foot and darted between the thrusting spears. They moved quickly to the forward points of the spears to stab at their adversary using the long spear points to protect themselves. They enjoyed looking the enemy in the eye while stabbing at throat or groin. They were masters of taunts to incent an opponent forward onto their sword edge or the spear point. Swordsmen and spearmen formed a coordinated fighting unit.
“The last unit was the archers. They were the elite warriors since they had the most difficult skill to develop. Our archers were selected at an early age to begin their training. I had been identified at age six as a future archer due to my natural skill with a sling. I had an ability to hit a moving target, such as a rabbit, at a distance. Modesty aside, I had very good eye–hand coordination. And still do,” M added with a smile.
“So, my early life was filled with daily pleasures, loving parents, good friends to play with, and plenty of food. I lived a young boy’s dream.”
Chapter 4
Life Changes
“The dream was shattered shortly after I turned seven. I left one morning as dawn was breaking. The great sun god Ra had just emerged from his passage through the dark void. Joining me were my two best friends, Kosey and Lateef.”
“What do those names mean, M?” Glenda asked.
“Thank you for that question, Glenda, I appreciate your interest in my early culture. Understand that ancient Egyptians placed great importance on the choice of names. Parents would observe the baby and try to fit a name which either described the infant or could possibly grace it with a future accomplishment.
“In that spirit of naming, Kosey means ‘lion’. He was an unusually large baby and very demanding. He tried to rule the house when he was only a few months old. Lateef was quite the opposite in disposition and his name means ‘kind and mild’. Both names fit the boys’ temperaments and presence.
“To return to my story, my two friends and I were going to explore a newly discovered series of caves that were a long hike from our village. I had eaten breakfast in the pre-dawn darkness, then packed my food and water for the day’s adventure. My father was already up planning the day with my mother. He was staying in the village that day to oversee the storage arrangements for the coming harvest.
“They both smiled at my early rising and my mother said, ‘He has both your eyes and your energy. He will become a strong leader.’ My father said nothing but I saw he was pleased with my mother’s comment. Fathers see much of themselves in their young sons and hope for that to be an insight into their future accomplishments.
“I clearly remember that it was a beautiful early morning with cooler temperatures and lovely breezes as we headed out. Many of the men had already left for early fishing. Some of the younger men had stayed back at my father’s request to accompany the women to the fields to help with the beginning harvest. When my friends and I left, the village was quiet and serene.
“We were about half an hour out on our hike, walking at a fast pace to avoid the heat of the rising sun, when we heard the first warning calls. We froze in place for a moment then immediately turned and began running back.
“By the time we were close to the village, we saw raiders had already captured a number of our women. I recognized my mother’s colorful skirt and knew she was already captured. My heart went from morning joy to sinking despair.
“As I stood transfixed, Kosey and Lateef ran toward their own homes to warn their families. They knew if my mother had been captured, anyone still in the village was in grave danger.
“As women and children were captured they were quickly bound across the backs of small desert horses. These horses were bred for their speed and endurance in the heat of the desert. I knew our village did not have horses that could catch these desert steeds. If the raiders escaped, then the captured would never be recovered.
“I saw that the village elder and several young men had faced the initial raider charge and were now lying on the ground. The younger men lay in their own blood flowing from multiple stab wounds; none of them had weapons beyond simple knives to defend themselves. The raiders had descended so quickly that our men had no time to prepare.
“The elder was the sole armed man. He had been by his home when the raiders came racing in. He had ducked inside and retrieved his sword, then emerged and fought to the death. The elder lay with his head twisted at a sharp angle. His sword lay beside him in the dust. He had done his best to defend against the raiders and one raider lay in front of him. The elder’s belly was open and his organs were exposed. The sand around his still-flowing wound was a dark purple. The raiders left him gutted to show the villagers the consequence of resisting.
“I then saw my father with his back against a brick wall being pressed on two sides by swordsmen. My father appeared as a hardened warrior who stood a head taller than his attackers. He had a thick wicker shield over his left arm and his stabbing sword in his right hand. His skill was such that he was keeping the attackers at bay.
“I watched as one of the aggressive young attackers lunged at my father. My father permitted the sword to enter his thick shield where it became stuck. He then twisted the shield, causing the sword to become further embedded in it. Following the twisting motion, he instantly yanked his shield with the embedded sword toward him. The inexperienced attacker instinctively held onto his sword and tripped forward. My father’s counterthrust ended his attack and his life. The attacker fell dead at my father’s feet.
“My father then advanced a step and the attacking grou
p fell back. My father was greatly outnumbered but his swift kill caused a pause in the attack. I knew that he was trying to buy time by disrupting the raiders long enough for the village men to return from the harvest fields. His tactic was working; he was throwing the raiders off their normal ‘hit fast, kill fast, and run fast’ tactic.
“I saw one older, long-armed attacker studying my father’s moves. He decided he could use his arm length to avoid the shield and stab past it with a feint. He motioned for a second attacker to join him. Once my father’s shield was pushed to the side, the two attackers would deliver simultaneous strikes.
“My father understood the feint and double-strike tactic. He waited for the long sword arm to be fully extended outside his shield, then he rotated again. He pushed the man’s sword arm far away with his shield, then unexpectedly lunged close to the man. He stabbed up into the man’s exposed neck then brought his shield back around. Blood spurted from a surprised face as the tall attacker fell.
“My father immediately closed on the second man who was frozen in place by the attack. Father again rotated his body and used his body’s momentum to strike the surviving attacker hard on the side of his head using his shield as a club.
“The inexperienced fighter stood stunned from the blow and instinctively brought his sword hand to his damaged face, it was a natural flinch reflex. My father drove his sword into the man’s exposed stomach. He pushed his sword down, then twisted to pull it out. The man’s innards burst from their casing.
“By standing still to watch the exchange with the long-armed attacker, the second attacker had sealed his own death. In battle, like in life, to remain stationary is a sure way to remain stationary forever.”
“My father now had a look of bloodlust on his face that I had never seen before. He was no longer my gentle father but a true warrior. He was a lion and roared his challenge to the fighters facing him. There were no takers.
“When those accustomed to winning with swift offense find themselves on the defense, the result is typically confusion. Several attackers were trying to work up their courage to attack the lion when a deep voice issued a sharp command. All the attackers immediately stepped away from my father and I saw relief pass over their faces.
“The raider leader had arrived on horseback and was motioning to a group of men with bows. He simply pointed at my father. The archers quickly formed a semicircle about twenty feet away. The third attack was launched. A dozen arrows came at the same time. My father could not use his shield on all sides. The arrows hit him in exposed areas of his lower legs, side, and throat. He was dead before he reached the ground.
“I heard my mother call out to him, and it was the last time I ever heard her voice. That memory still haunts me. The raiders climbed on their horses and left the village as our returning men were forming up to launch their own counterattack.
“Once the raiders were gone the village men were at a loss about what to do. Their leader was dead and they had no horses suitable for pursuit. The returning women began cries of despair for their captured daughters and slain sons. The entire village sank into a state of mourning. There was no leader to guide them out of their confusion and despair.”
Chapter 5
Life as an Orphan
“Now at age seven I was both an orphan and still a child. Children only survived by having parents to provide for them and protect them. That’s true today, and believe me it was certainly true then. I was fortunate that I had good friends with good-hearted parents. I was moved from family to family so that the cost of my support was shared.
“Working to my advantage was the respect that my father was held in. His heroic stand saved other women from being captured. Those families recognized a debt that they owed him and they repaid the debt by caring for me.
“I also had the advantage that I was selected to be an archer. My skills with the sling were obvious, so I represented a future asset for the entire village once I matured. Sadly, this future value as an archer lost its worth without my father’s presence to maintain the fighting units. Without my father’s skills and leadership, the village’s fighting capabilities gradually eroded away.
“My early advantages of families repaying a debt to my father, and my potential as a future archer lasted for a few years. However, as I grew I became large for my age, I was my father’s son. With my larger size came a larger appetite. At age ten I was already taller than many of the men in the village.
“Over time, more raiders picked on us. Our ability to defend against raiders lessened and more of our women were captured. Women were the glue of our culture as well as the foundation for our farming. Harvest crops became less plentiful. The village was still surviving but the diminishing food supply was now an ever-present threat to the village’s survival.
“Hunger erodes the memory of obligations. Our village was in a downward spiral without a bottom in sight.
“I was now viewed as taking the food out of the mouths of family children. I knew that I was on the cusp of becoming resented and that people, including my friends, were pulling away from me. I decided that I would not become a pariah in my own village.
“One morning I thanked my hosting families, said goodbye to my friends, and walked away. I noticed that while they asked me to reconsider, all were secretly relieved at my leaving. I could not blame them.”
Chapter 6
Early Life Alone
“Basic to my survival was finding a safe shelter. While on an earlier exploring trip in the surrounding wild hills I had found a small cave built into the side of a steep hillside. It was the perfect shelter. I returned to it and kept a fire in front of the cave in the evening.
“The fire provided protection from nighttime predators. On occasion I head subtle sniffing sounds and fear swept through me. A practical solution was that I had to wake up during the night to add additional fuel, but that was a small price for survival.
“I always feared rain could put out my fire, however, rain was a scarce commodity in the hills of Egypt. On the few nights when it did rain, I built the fire just inside the mouth of the cave. Of course the smoke from the fire made breathing difficult, but I learned to breathe with my mouth close to the dirt floor. I consoled myself that I was still breathing.
“I caught my food using snares. While I had developed skills with my sling, I had been taught by my father the usefulness of a snare. ‘Less work and effort are involved to capture dinner than to chase it,’ he had explained.
“I became increasingly adept with my snares. I became expert in noting the paths of wildlife, placed my snares accordingly, and caught a wide variety of wildlife. My favorite catches were mountain rabbits but I also learned that cooked snake and scorpion offer acceptable meals when your stomach demands to be fed.”
Glenda and Traveler both squirmed at this image of M eating snake and scorpion. M smiled at their facial grimaces and added, “I believe my love of cooking was born while living in my cave.”
“My cave was well-positioned for safety and was also close to a good-sized river. The river, like all those in this region, was a tributary to mother Nile. Like the Nile it was also a good provider. I would catch river fish and smoke them so that if my snare was empty I still had a meal. I was always hungry but I lived.
“While I was never formally trained as an archer, I had observed many archers at practice. I constructed a stout bow and practiced a lot. Eventually I developed passable skills as an archer. Armed with my bow, and a natural stealth instinct, I was able to kill larger game such as small deer at a distance. This skill added nicely to my food supply which in turn added to my body’s strength.
“As a bowhunter, I learned techniques to stalk prey without their being aware of my presence. I understood how to practice a hunter’s stealth including being quiet, avoiding giving signs of motion, and of course, staying downwind.
“I also developed a sixth sense about the environment. I became instinctively aware of dangerous animals who may be
stalking me. I was always aware of my place in nature’s food chain.”
Chapter 7
Fire Creatures Attack
“My hunting skills saved my life. Leaving my cave early one fine morning, my awareness of the environment alerted me that I was possibly being hunted. There was a vibration in the air and ground that I had never experienced. The hunters were, in fact, the fire creatures that we know well. Back then, I had no idea they existed, but I sensed a strange presence.
“I was initially cautious but also curious about the source of the vibration. I carefully tracked toward it. As I moved, I found myself approaching my old village. When I was near the village, I saw my village was under attack.
“The attackers were nothing I had ever seen before. My best description was that they reminded me of small red thunderclouds that were moving close to the ground. They seemed to float without touching the ground. Emerging out of a cloud’s mass were arm-like appendages. These arms constantly changed their length and thickness and they shimmered with a reddish hue.
“They were clearly godlike predators, possibly djinn or demon. They hunted down and consumed the people in my village. As they flowed across people, they absorbed them into their central mass. They moved with a purpose that I can best describe as raw hunger. The only similar experience I had observed was watching a crocodile attack a deer by a riverbank. There was no mercy. Once engaged death followed quickly.
“A few brave men attempted to strike the fire beasts with weapons, but nothing made an impact. Men simply disappeared into the beings. I believed I was seeing gods of war at work.
“As alpha predators, the beings seemed to know where each person was hiding and easily found them. As they were discovered, I heard men, women, and children begin to shriek. All of their shouts and screams stopped in mid-cry. These predators were hunting and consuming without mercy. Nobody would be spared. My childhood village was doomed.”